Email Notifications
For participating covered entities, the 340B OPAIS The 340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System (OPAIS) is a collection of information submitted by covered entities, contract pharmacies, and manufacturers maintained and verified by HRSA's Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA). sends email notifications related to user accounts, as well as registrations, change requests, terminations, recertification, and contract pharmacy registrations, changes, and terminations.
To ensure that you receive 340B OPAIS email notifications, update your email program's spam filter to allow the "no-reply" email from HRSA's .gov email.
Account Management
AO or PC External user who is designated as a Primary Contact for an entity. This user can enter registrations and update entity information. This user can enter registrations, and update entity information. Any changes to an entity performed by the PC user must be attested to by the AO for that entity. email address is specified for user who does not have a 340B account.
Recipient: User
Email Subject: New User Account Invitation
Sent whenever user account password is changed (either expiration or user-requested change).
Sent whenever user profile is updated (name, phone number, title).
Task Notifications
Recertification 340B covered entities must annually recertify their eligibility to remain in the 340B Program and continue purchasing covered outpatient drugs at discounted 340B prices. As part of this process, the Authorizing Official of each 340B covered entity certifies basic information about the entity and its 340B compliance. Covered entities with inaccurate information in the 340B OPAIS run a high risk of being removed from the program. initiative is created and is not canceled before advance notification date.
Recipient: AO & PC
Email Subject: Recertification Advance Notification