Covered Entity Details and Address Information

The system displays the entity's details and street address, allowing the user to update the Employee Identification Number (EIN), if necessary, and to add billing and shipping addresses.

Screen shot of STD Covered Entity Details page. This page is for recording Covered Entity addresses– location, billing, shipping – unless they are the same. Screen shot of RW Covered Entity Details page. This page is for recording Covered Entity addresses– location, billing, shipping – unless they are the same.

Non-Hospital Details and Address Information
Item Continued


Type the name of the entity (pre-filled for CH and FQHCLA entity types).

Sub-Division Name

Type the sub-division name of the entity (pre-filled for CH and FQHCLA entity types).

NOFO Number Type the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Number. Only associated with STD and TB.

Employee Identification Number (EIN)

Type a new EIN if one has been assigned by the IRS.

ClosedGrant Financial assistance mechanism providing money, property, or both to an eligible entity to carry out an approved project or activity. Number

Type the grant number (pre-filled for CH and FQHCLA entity types). A grant number guidance message is displayed for the entity types as specified below:

Entity Type Entity Type Name Message
STD Sexually Transmitted Diseases Grant Number should be in the following example format: "NH25PS######"
TB Tuberculosis Grant Number should be in the following example format: "NU52PS######"
FP Family Planning (Title X only) Grant Number should be in the following example format: "FPHPA######"
RWI Ryan White Part A Grant Number should be in the following example format: "H89HA#####"




Ryan White Part B

Ryan White Part B ADAP Direct Purchase

Ryan White Part B ADAP Rebate Option

Grant Number should be in the following example format: "X07HA#####"
HV Ryan White Part C Grant Number should be in the following example format: "H76HA#####"
RW4 Ryan White Part D Grant Number should be in the following example format: "H12HA#####"
HM Comprehensive Hemophilia Treatment Center Grant Number should be in the following example format: "H30MC#####"

Grant Number is not displayed for Urban Indian and Tribal Contract/Compact with IHS (P.L. 93-638) entities. It is required for all other non-hospital entity types. Contact the federal grantee or project officer if you don't know the Grant Number.

Site ID
(CH and FQHCLA only)

Pre-filled by system.

Nature Of Support

As appropriate, select the check boxes for the nature of direct grant funding; either Direct Funding or "In-Kind" products or services purchased with direct grant funds or both. Selecting "None" will uncheck the other boxes (if selected) and make the entity ineligible for registration.

Enter the description for “In-Kind” support if you selected the In-Kind option.

Enter the “From” and “To” dates for the time period section 318/317 funding or in-kind support was received. You can select the Valid until no longer receiving checkbox if there is no “To” date.

Funding Period If registering any of the Ryan White entity types, then you will need to provide the “From” and “To” dates for the Time period the Assistance was received.

Street Address

Type the organization and address information (pre-filled for CH and FQHCLA entities).

ClosedBilling Address An address verified as belonging to the covered entity that is used for billing purposes. A billing address is not required to be a physical address; it can be a P.O. box or other mailing address. Same as Street Address

Uncheck the box to add a new Billing Address.

ClosedShipping Address An address authorized to receive 340B drugs on behalf of a covered entity parent or child site and registered as such on the 340B OPAIS. Because pharmacies are not permitted to be registered as covered entity sites, they may be listed as shipping addresses of the parent entity or a registered outpatient child site, depending on the locations served by the pharmacy. When registering a new covered entity or a new outpatient facility online, the entity has a choice of listing shipping addresses under either the main entity's registration or the offsite facility's registration. Listing shipping addresses permits all parties to know where 340B drugs may be delivered by the manufacturer and wholesaler. Pharmacies that support multiple outpatient facilities should be listed as shipping addresses under the parent entity. Same as Street Address

Uncheck the box to add a new Shipping Address.


Cancel the registration and return to the home page.


Return to the previous page.


Click this button to proceed.