My Dashboard

To access My Dashboard, the user can either select the My Dashboard icon or the My Dashboard menu item on the Home page.

Participant Home Page highlighting My Dashboard

My Dashboard provides the user the ability to see and access:

  • The tasks assigned to them
  • Their active / approved / to be terminated entities
  • Their entities pending OPA approval
  • Their terminated entities
  • Their related terminated entities, if any exist
My Dashboard My Tasks tab

If there are no tasks awaiting the user's attention, the My Active/Approved tab will the selected tab instead of My Tasks.

My Dashboard Tables Actions

Every tab on My Dashboard has a set of actions that provide the user the ability to:

  • Select the columns to include in the table
  • Reset the columns to the default columns
  • Clear all the filters set in the table
  • Export the data in the table
My Dashboard Tab Actions
