Requesting Changes to a Covered Entity

Updates to Covered Entities are made by submitting a Change Request.

You must be the logged-in AO or PC to submit change requests.

  1. From the Covered Entity Details page for an active entity for which you are responsible as AO or ClosedPC External user who is designated as a Primary Contact for an entity. This user can enter registrations and update entity information. This user can enter registrations, and update entity information. Any changes to an entity performed by the PC user must be attested to by the AO for that entity., click the Change Request button.

  2. The Change Request page will display the entity's entire registration for your review. Click the Edit… link to edit the information for a particular section.

  3. Update the data that needs to be changed.

  4. Review pending changes.

  5. Confirm the changes and submit to OPA for their review an approval.