Contract Pharmacy Registration
You must be the logged-in AO or PC for the covered entity to register contract pharmacies.
If there are contract pharmacy registrations submitted when the covered entity registration is pending, then both the AO and PC will both receive notification of approval of the Contract Pharmacies as part of the entity registration once the Covered Entity registration is approved by OPA. The contract pharmacy status will be updated to "Approved" and the enrollment in the 340B program will start on the first day of the next quarter.
The contract pharmacy registration process must be started and completed within the same browser session. Incomplete online registrations cannot be saved for later submission. Do not submit a contract pharmacy registration if you are unsure of the information you are providing or if contract terms are still under negotiation or not fully executed. It is imperative that contract pharmacy registrations are submitted accurately to avoid lengthy delays in 340B implementation.
Follow these steps to register a contract pharmacy:
From the Covered Entity Details page for an active entity for which you are responsible as AO or PC External user who is designated as a Primary Contact for an entity. This user can enter registrations and update entity information. This user can enter registrations, and update entity information. Any changes to an entity performed by the PC user must be attested to by the AO for that entity., select the Contract Pharmacy tab and click the Add button.
View the Instructions page and click the Continue button.
The Covered Entity Details page is displayed. You can search for the pharmacy to register using any of the three Search Pharmacy options – Associated, By DEA Number, or Location. The Associated option is selected by default. The search results return a list of pharmacy contracts that have an association with the entity. Pharmacy contracts which are already registered or pending registration, i.e., in Pending, Approved, Active, or To-Be Terminated 340B Status will also be displayed in the search results but will not be available for selection.
You will also be able to select a pharmacy contract for registration that was terminated immediately after it was Approved, but before it became Active, i.e., with a Begin Date in the future
If you know the pharmacy's DEA Number A registration number assigned to health care providers by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, allowing them to write prescriptions for controlled substances. Legally, the DEA number is solely to be used for tracking controlled substances. However, it is often used as a unique general "prescriber number" for anyone who can prescribe medication., selecting the By DEA Number option lets you search for a particular pharmacy.
- Type the DEA Number in the space provided and click the Search button.
- If a match is found on the DEA Number, the pharmacy will appear in the Search Results table.
- Select the checkbox in the Select column and click the Continue button to proceed.
If you do not know the pharmacy’s DEA Number, selecting the By Location option lets you search for it using its name and location information..
- Type the pharmacy's name, city, state, and/or ZIP code in the spaces provided and click the Search button.
- Pharmacies that match the search criteria will appear in the Search Results table.
- Select the checkbox in the Select column and click the Continue button to proceed.
When you select a pharmacy, the system will display the pharmacy input page.
- The Contract Begin Date will be set to the first day of the next quarter.
- The Covered Entity Details are populated with the entity's information.
- The Contract Pharmacy Details are populated from pharmacy information received from the DEA.
Type the Pharmacy Representative's email address and click the Search button.
If the Pharmacy Representative already has an account, their information will be populated automatically.
The Telephone Extension field allows numeric values only. If the extension field contains an alpha character (e.g., x305), you will be prompted to correct it.
If the Pharmacy Representative does not have an account, the system will prompt for entry of their name and contact information.
Contract Pharmacy Representative Controls Control Description Reset
Clear existing contact information to enter a new email address.
Cancel the registration and return to the home page.
Return to the previous page.
Click this button to proceed.
The system will display the registration for review.
Contract Pharmacy Review Controls Cancel
Cancel the registration and return to the home page.
Return to the previous page.
Click this button to proceed.
If you are the AO…The Authorizing Official Signature section is appended to the bottom of the summary page to allow you to attest to the registration.
Contract Pharmacy Registration AO Attestation Controls Control Description Checkbox
"By checking this box, I confirm that I have read the above statements and fully understand my obligations."
Select this box to approve the registration.
Exit without taking action.
Click this button to submit the registration. Both the AO and the PC will receive a Contract Pharmacy Registration email.
The Contract Pharmacy Submission confirmation is displayed. Click the OK button to complete the submission and return to My Dashboard. Automatic email notifications are sent to the covered entity's AO and PC and the Pharmacy Representative.